Ressources for parents

As parents, you may feel helpless about the Internet used and the dangers facing your children. Ideally, your children must be supervised from an early age. The Internet has entered in homes, but without the user mastering the technology. The latter works almost by magic. Often, it is our kids that teach us things about the computer, the digital tablet or the smart phone. Elementary students are born in a digital world and that's part of their daily lives. This section of the website is intended as a toolbox for parents who want to stay in control of what their children do on the Internet. It is important to supervise your children, whether they are in primary or secondary school, and especially to talk with them. We must teach them to respect others, even if in cyberspace, the user does not always have eye contact with his interlocutor. For some parents, the Internet can be demonized because of suicides resulting from cyberbullying. In such cases, some parents go so far as to defend everything, which is not a good way. There are tools that can be installed on the computer, but awareness, listening and dialogue are the best ways to keep our young people safe on the Internet. To help you demystify all of this, you will find below resources related to the various dangers of the Internet and the best practices that must be adopted so that our youngsters can surf safely.

List of reference for parents:

MediasSmarts - Canada's Centre for digital and media literacy

Kids in the know

CyberJulie - Section Parents
This Web site is for kids in Grade 3 and 4.



Desjardins, National Bank and Laurentian

Royal Canadian Mounted Police

City of Montreal

Other references

Do you know interesting websites and documents that do not appear here? Just send the information by email to and it will be with pleasure to add your links on this page!